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Welcome to District Government Public Library, Pirojpu Information. The main objective of District Government Public Library, Pirojpur Office is to fulfill the intense expectations of the people of Pirojpur district and to encourage the public to read enlightening books and to provide time-saving and effective information services through the facilities of science-based modern information technology with the aim of building an enlightened society. Library Timings: Open every Saturday to Wednesday from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. Weekends: Thursday and Friday. Besides, the library is closed on other public holidays declared by the government.

Complaint Settlement Officer's List


Office Name Name Image Mobile Email
District Education Engineering Office Khan Md. Zillur Rahman Khan Md. Zillur Rahman 01711176043 xeneedbarguna@gmail.com
District Hindu Religious Welfare TrustOffice Krishnendu Mandal Krishnendu Mandal ০১৭৩৪৭৫৮১২০ krishnom5@gmail.com
District Accounts Office Mr. Md. Ashraful Islam Mr. Md. Ashraful Islam 01715648929 mdashrafulislam801@gmail.com
District Regional Passport Office Md Ali Ashraf Md Ali Ashraf 01733393378 rpobarguna@passport.gov.bd
BSCIC District Office, Barguna Kazi Tofazzel Hoque Kazi Tofazzel Hoque 01725967545 kazithoque@gmail.com
District BADC (IR) Office মোঃ ফেরদৌস পারভেজ মোঃ ফেরদৌস পারভেজ 01723266747 aebadcpirojpur@gmail.com
District Seed Certification Agency Office Imran Ahmed Imran Ahmed 01743427360 ahmedimran3745@gmail.com
District Environment Office Nikhil Chandra Dhaly Nikhil Chandra Dhaly 01710296942 doepirojpur@gmail.com
District BADC (IR) Office Mohd. Fariduzzaman bhuyan Mohd. Fariduzzaman bhuyan 01724800001 aebholabadc@gmail.com
District Palli Daridro Bimicon Foundation Office Md. ‍Sagir Hossain Md. ‍Sagir Hossain +8801711404661 pdbfbho@gmail.com
District Regional Passport Office Md. Shahabul Islam Md. Shahabul Islam 01733393376 rpobhola@passport.gov.bd
District Seed Certification Agency Office MD. Jakir Hossain Talukder MD. Jakir Hossain Talukder ০১৭১০০২১৪৬১ zakirdae2200@gmail.com
Department of environment, district office patuakhai Md. Aasaduzzaman Md. Aasaduzzaman ০১৭২২-৪৪৯৪৫০ aasad.du40@gmail.com
District Palli Daridro Bimicon Foundation Office MD RABIUL ISLAM MD RABIUL ISLAM ০১৭০৯-৯৩৪৬০৪ pdbfpat@gmail.com
District Accounts and Finance Office, Patuakhali Md. Mohasin Md. Mohasin 01715034028 patuakhalidao@gmail.com
Jatyo Mohila Sangstha, District Office,patuakhali Syed Kamal Hossian Syed Kamal Hossian 01711-361655 syedkamalhossain@gmail.com
Barguna Polytechnic Institute, Barguna Monoj Kanti Baidya Monoj Kanti Baidya 01715422738 bdmkbaidya@gmail.com
Department Of ICT,bhola মোঃ আতিকুর রহমান মোঃ আতিকুর রহমান 01771789505 arif.doict@gmail.com
District ICT Office, Patuakhali Md. Sabuj Talukder Md. Sabuj Talukder 01733899447 sabuj.talukder@doict.gov.bd
Cooperative Zonal Institute, Barisal Mohammad Khorshed Alom Mohammad Khorshed Alom 01720946344 barisalczi@gmail.com
Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN) ফারজানা ছিমি ফারজানা ছিমি ০১৭১২৬৭৮০৪৭ ssobarisal@gmail.com
কলকারখানা ও প্রতিষ্ঠান পরিদর্শন অধিদপ্তর, বরিশাল Nobin Kumer Hawlader Nobin Kumer Hawlader 01936493427 nobindife@gmail.com
District Office, Directorate of Information and Communication Technology, Barguna Md. Milon Gazi Md. Milon Gazi ০১৮২৩৪৬২৩২৫ arifict27@gmail.com
Urban Social Services Office Mehedi Hasan Mehedi Hasan 01914926956 mehedi328@gmail.com