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Welcome to District Government Public Library, Pirojpu Information. The main objective of District Government Public Library, Pirojpur Office is to fulfill the intense expectations of the people of Pirojpur district and to encourage the public to read enlightening books and to provide time-saving and effective information services through the facilities of science-based modern information technology with the aim of building an enlightened society. Library Timings: Open every Saturday to Wednesday from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. Weekends: Thursday and Friday. Besides, the library is closed on other public holidays declared by the government.

Complaint Settlement Officer's List


Office Name Name Image Mobile Email
District Office, Bangladesh Food Safety Authority, Patuakhali MD ABU RAIHAN MD ABU RAIHAN ০১৭২০-৩২৩৫৬০ fso.patuakhali@bfsa.gov.bd
District Office, Bangladesh Food Safety Authority, Barisal Golam Rabbi Golam Rabbi 01954567628 fso.barisal@bfsa.gov.bd
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Barisal Dr. Bimal Chandra Kundu Dr. Bimal Chandra Kundu +৮৮০১৭১২-৭৫২২৫৩ mmr.talukder@yahoo.com
Probation Office, CMM Court, Barishal Shymol Sen Gupta Shymol Sen Gupta 01715548126 shyamalsengupta045@gmail.com
Urban social services office, Jhalokathi Khan Jasim Uddin Khan Jasim Uddin 01735865437 khan91du@gmail.com
Office of the executive engineer, HED, Patuakhali প্রকৌঃ মোঃ ফারুক আহমেদ প্রকৌঃ মোঃ ফারুক আহমেদ 01717319377 hedcircle5.barisal@gmail.com
Office of the Assistant Engineer,HED,Patuakhali Md. Abdul Ghani Md. Abdul Ghani 01718-559149 aehedptk@gmail.com
Training and Rehabilitation Center for the Destitute and Vagrants, Barisal Jabir Ahmed Jabir Ahmed +88 01718680616 jabirahmed1977@gmail.com
Patuakhali Govt. Technical School and College Md.Mahabub Alom Md.Mahabub Alom ০1712740520 mahabubalom2011@gmail.com
Nazirpur Govt. Technical School & College Indrojit Sarker Mridul Indrojit Sarker Mridul ০১৭১১৪০৪৭৩৩ indrojitsarkermridul@gmail.com
Sagardi PTI, Barishal শিরীন শবনম শিরীন শবনম 01912561083 ptibarish@gmail.com
Small Farmer Development Foundation (SFDF), Pirojpur md rokonojaman md rokonojaman 01769594254 rmsfdfgopal@gmail.com
District Office, Water Resources Planning Organization, Barisal ZAHEEN-IBN-ABEDIN ZAHEEN-IBN-ABEDIN ০১৭৪৯৬৮৯৯৭২ ee.barishal@warpo.gov.bd
Hospital Social Service Office, Bhola Selina Akthar Selina Akthar 01708414597 selinassoh17@gmail.com
District Artificial Insemination Centre, Barisal Dr. Nasir Uddin Ahmed Dr. Nasir Uddin Ahmed 01324290016 adapbarisal53@gmil.com
Palli Sanchay Bank, District (Regional) Office, Jhalakathi MD. SHAHIDUL ISLAM MD. SHAHIDUL ISLAM 0172955427 dojhalakati@pallisanchaybank.gov.bd